About Us

With 47 years of experiance and devoloping product range, DOGRAR MAKINA has became a called qualified party.
At the begining there were only "Eder" brand excavators' boom bucket repairement. It turned out to producing boom, buckets, and all attachments for all models of all brands.
"PENCE", the block removing attachment is the first patented and widely used product which made DOGRAR popular ın marble sector.
At 2008, production of Turkey's first 40 t wheeled loaders front frame was the proof of company's abilities.
Production of 6 t mini excavator was the result of changing market demands and it became the first step to underground machineries.
By producing Tunnel excavators and Roadheaders sequentially  made us one out of five company of the World whom produce Roadheaders.
We do our best to follow up the listed oplicies below while trying to serve our patrons.
- Innovative, yet realistic solutions for clients;
- These solutions should achieve the quality standarts accepted by world markets;
- During the economical life of our products, maintenance must be in lovest level;
- World's production standarts should be fulfilled in our facility;
- Our clients should be kept fully satisfied with our after-sales service.